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Lena Wenger

About me

Lena Wenger

Born in 1960 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Came to Switzerland with her family in 1968 and grew up in Zurich. She has lived and worked in Winterthur since 2000.

From her earliest youth, she devoted herself to painting with great joy. When making her career decision, the idea of a secure commercial career prevailed.

In addition to autodidactic work, from 2002 onwards intensive further training at the ZHdK, Zurich, as well as continuous courses with renowned artists at home and abroad.

2006 to 2008 Preparatory course at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)

2015 to 2016 Advanced Painting Course, F + F School of Art and Design, Zurich

2017 Art Academy Bad Reichenhall, DE, Advanced Painting Course

2019 European Art Academy, Trier, DE, Advanced Painting Course

2024 Bad Reichenhall Art Academy, DE, Advanced Course in Painting, Sculpture

2023 Founding member of the art association KunstOrt Winterthur

Since 2004 she has been working as a freelance artist in her own studio in Winterthur

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